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Get your fix... with the newest time-travel Regency by Susanne Marie Knight!  

A contemporary young woman thinks she has everything she wants... 

until a hypnosis session changes her mind... and her location!




For Your Reading Pleasure

WISHING FOR A DUKE: A Time-Travel Regency Romance Novel   


Self-sufficient Elaina Wattell is on the verge of starting her own hairstyling business. All she needs is a little monetary help from two men with the last name of Duke. What she gets is “help” from a friend... and the herb thyme... and a common daisy. This peculiar mix of items transports her back to in time to 1820. Once there, she meets a duke--a real duke--and his adorable son. As she adjusts to the different lifestyle of the nineteenth century, she tries to figure out a way that she can return home. However, perhaps what she has been looking for all her life is now right before her eyes.



Widower Charles Burnley, the eighth Duke of Wolfeshire, has a void in his life. He wastes his time with his “Wolfe” Pack, indulging in the excesses of the seven deadly categories of sin: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth. However, his young son, Robert, is in desperate need of a mother. Prepared to interview Society’s eligible females for a suitable duchess, Charles suddenly finds a most peculiar young woman has somehow turned up on his estate. Elaina is definitely not an appropriate choice, but his son is quite taken with her. The more Charles is around Elaina, the more he becomes quite taken with her as well. Can a high-in-the-instep duke convince the free-spirited Elaina to become his duchess?



Available Now! Order WISHING FOR A DUKE ebook at Amazon.com.

Available Now! Order WISHING FOR A DUKE at Smashwords.com in various electronic formats. 

Available Now! Order WISHING FOR A DUKE in PRINT at Amazon.com.

Reviewers are saying:

5 Stars! Every page delights! WISHING FOR A DUKE had us wishing for more. Ms. Knight explores the inequity between the haves--aristocracy, and the have-nots--the servants. In this time-travel Regency, a modern woman gets a little help from her friends to heal from a past trauma. The Duke’s son, Robbie, is pure gold and a surprise connection links the past and the present! A very fun read!--Regency Fiction World

5 Kisses! Pure heaven. Here is another Susanne Marie Knight time-travel Regency to binge on! Make a wish on a daisy, throw in a little Thyme, a hypnotic beat here, a village healer there, and voilà! You have all the fixings for a high-in-the-instep Duke to fall in love with a twenty-first century beautician. Will he ask her to become his Duchess? Will she say yes? Find out for yourself in WISHING FOR A DUKE.!--The Romance Guide



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