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Take a trip back to 1816 with the newest time-travel Regency by Susanne Marie Knight!  

A Regency themed photo shoot, a magical wedding dress, and 

a mysterious “uncle” send Mattie Newcastle back to the past.



For Your Reading Pleasure

YESTERDAY'S TREASURES: A Time-Travel Regency Romance Novel   


Mattie Newcastle agrees to pose as a bride in a photo shoot to advertise her Uncle Ward’s second-hand-shop, Yesterday’s Treasures. Everything for the shoot looks period-piece authentic, especially the mouthwateringly hunky groom dressed in a tailcoat, top hat, and a cravat. Imagine Mattie’s surprise when after she signs the chapel’s register book, she finds out that she’s actually married to an English marquess; she’s now in London; and the year is 1816. Her husband, George, declares she’s bought and paid for and insists on obtaining his conjugal rights. Sure, he’s as handsome as a dream, but she has no intention of becoming his “brood mare.” How did this impossible thing happen and how is she going to get back to the twenty-first century?


The Marquess of Chesterton, George Dunning, has a gambling addiction. His latest debacle at cards has cost him 150,000 guineas payable to his arch nemesis... and, unless George marries immediately, his family’s ancestral diamond ring. He can handle the enormous debt, but the shame of the ring not staying within the family is too high a price to pay. He must enter the parson’s mousetrap... without delay. His man of business, Edward, arranges for an appropriate, amenable, eligible, biddable, and sight-unseen young woman to be George’s bride. The more George is around Matilda Newcastle, the more he is quite happy with the marriage, except... he soon realizes she has no intention of granting a husband’s privileges. How can he convince his new marchioness that she truly belongs to him?



Now Available!

Order YESTERDAY'S TREASURES ebook at Amazon.com.

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Reviewers are saying:

* 5 Stars! Another exciting Regency Time-Travel Romance from popular author Susanne Marie Knight. Due to receive her masters from graduate school, Mattie Newcastle has a very bright future ahead of her. However, her life takes a sudden detour when she models as a bride in a period-piece photo shoot. In a blink of an eye, she finds herself in the year 1816, in London, and married to a very aristocratic marquess! How in the world did this happen? Determined to discover the truth, Mattie crosses swords with a voluptuous rival, a badly used new friend, a woebegone Duke, an on-the-shelf lady, a gambling mother-in-law, and a very eager bridegroom, not to mention a pointy-earred... No spoilers! Don’t miss this unique Regency romp!--Regency Fiction World

* What happens when Mattie Newcastle agrees to help her uncle with an advertising photo shoot for his second-hand shop, Yesterday’s Treasures? Instead of a faux wedding ceremony, it turns out to be the real thing... but back in the past during the Regency era! Surprise! After reciting her vows, she discovers she’s actually married to the Marquess of Chesterton, and he... he expects her to be his wife in every meaning of the word. Follow Mattie’s adventures as she tries to figure out just how she traveled back in time and ended up being married to a finger-licking-good lord of the realm. 5 stars: A highly enjoyable story!--Twists On Romance Reviews


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Regency Fiction World Reviews

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Twists On Romance Reviews